New Production and Logistics Units

2,106 - 27,730 sq ft (196 - 2,576 sq m)

Exhall Gate - Available for immediate occupation

The scheme is located fronting Longford Road only 0.5 miles from Junction 3 M6 within an established commercial area.

Exhall Gate has unrivalled accessibility not only to the national motorway network but also locally via the A444 with direct links to Coventry (5 miles south) and Nuneaton (5 miles north).

Location Map
Distance from locations


The 9th largest city in the UK and growing rapidly



The city has a population of 388,000 which has been rising at an average growth rate of 1.72% p.a. since 2011

The average age of the population is 36.2 years - one of the youngest cities in the UK

Coventry is the second largest city in the Midlands



71,000 people commute to Coventry every day by road and rail

Over 6 million people live within 1 hour’s drive of the city

75% of the country (England) can be reached by road within a 2 hour drive from the city



The city is the fastest expanding economic area and largest exporting area outside of London growing at 12% p.a.

58,000 students at the city’s two world-renowned universities, attracting increased numbers of students from over 140 different countries



£82m regeneration of Coventry Station to include a 644 space car park and a second station building

£300m city centre retail and leisure developments currently underway

Coventry and Warwickshire is home to many of the world's leading companies:
Jaguar Land Rover, E-on and Meggitt
BMW, IBM and Tata
Citroen, Peugeot, Aston Martin and Severn Trent Water

For further information and to view contact:

A development by Barwood